Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Taco Bell

I had sort of an embarrassing thing happen today. After the girls' dance classes (back to back classes, so we're there about two hours) I was hungry and thought a healthy (ya right) chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell sounded good. When I got to the window to pay, I realized my wallet was in my other purse, and I could only scrounge up a few dollars, leaving me $1 short. I expected the girl to be annoyed, and I told her to take off the drink from my order. But she surprised me and insisted that it would be okay and to not worry about it. She said she had it covered. She insisted so much that I finally said, okay. I mean, I could imagine her doing that if it was only five cents, but I was surprised at a dollar. I thought that was very nice of her and decided it was a situaton that made me want to "pay it forward".


Eliza2006 said...

What? You're buying me lunch at Taco Bell tomorrow? Thanks!


Anonymous said...

That is so funny- I do that all too often. I will realize my wallet is in the car still or a different purse. One time I had to leave a full shopping cart and run home to get my wallet.

britt said...

How nice of her. LUcky she was soo cool about it. It happens to all of us, doesn't it?

Chris Grover said...

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone (including myself) could make a few more of these kind gestures!? The world would be such a different place.