I am so bad at consistency when it comes to Family Home Evening (what is family home evening? click here). The kids love it when we do remember to do it, so Tucker and I decided it was time for a FHE chart. I saw some cute ones online, but decided to make one myself for now. I love Adobe Photoshop, so that's the program I used. It's size 8x10 and I'll velcro the little "scripture" "Prayer" "lesson" "treat" and "Song" markers below each photo so they can be moved around each week. Hopefully this helps us! I'm sure the kids will love it and won't let us forget.
My kids are obsessed with it and want to have it every day. However- we aren't good at trading responsibilities yet- Cooper always loves to do the songs and Savannah loves to do the games so Ryan and I rotate the lesson. Good luck!
I am nominating you for the mother of the year award!!! Very nice!
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