Friday, January 26, 2007

Only the Beginning...

Since I am one of four girls in my family, I know what I'm in for with raising three daughters. For example, getting ready in the morning. I remember lots of tears, lots of outfits thrown on the floor, lots of brushes thrown at the mirror and lots of "I can't find my shoes"! Jordyn getting ready for pre-school this morning brought back memories, however this time I'm in CHARGE of it all!!! All her pants bugged her (the fifth pair we put on finally didn't make her cry), her shoes slip a millionth of a millimeter so she says "they're flip flops mom!", she couldn't decide what she would eat because she was too upset and hungry by this point, and her hair HAD to be in braids (which, when you're in a hurry, are NOT quick!). All of this is intensified by the fact that we have FIVE MINUTES TILL WE HAVE TO LEAVE, but I have to try to be calm or it makes everything worse and I don't want her to leave home feeling sad at the start of the day!!! Uggh. I have a feeling this is only the beginning. In the fall when she has to be out the door by 8 every single morning....well, I can't even think about that yet! Wish me luck!


britt said...

I was stressed just reading your email! I only seem to feel that stress usually on Sundays getting ready for church and I only have one girl. Kaipo is easy to get ready and much quicker. I can imagine when you have to do it every day for school it will be stressful at first, but you will get in a routine and it won't be soo bad after a while. Good Luck and I feel for you!

Eliza2006 said...

Awwww, poor kid! I know what it's like to not be able to find a pair of pants that doesn't BUG!!! Auntie Tiff is going to have to find Jordyn a nice, comfy leisure suit to wear to school!!! (Stretch is 'in' right?)


Jill said...

Oh, oh, oh...ya gotta love girls! I'm going to show Mike your entry since he had all brothers. All this girl stuff freaks him out. We used to put Amanda's clothes out the night before, but it doesn't help because she always changes her mind in the morning! If you find any good tricks, let me know! Jill