Wednesday, January 03, 2007

How Old Is She?

It is very common for people to act a little shocked when I tell them how old Peyton is. Confirming why this happens...she weighed at the doctor today at 16.5 lbs, which is way off the charts! Keep mind she is just two months old! The doctor even kept chuckling about her rolls and size. I think she is so cuddly and cute with all the baby chub. The only problem this presents is she has skyrocketed through her clothing, and now needs a 6-9 month size! On a side note, I just have to say how much I HATE taking babies to get shots. It's heart wrenching, and you have to do it so much their first year - 2 mo, 4 mo, 6 mo, 9 mo and 12 mo!

They finally opened a Kiddie Kandid's near us, which I was SO excited about! I love Kiddie Kandids so much more than other studios. Here are a couple shots we got of Peyton last night. (Disclaimer: I am typically one that doesn't like huge bows for babies, but there was some little part of me that thought it was too cute NOT to include with this dress).


Chris Grover said...

Oh my gosh, I want to squeeze her!!! I absolutely love her little chub! Really cute pics too!

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute! They are so funny too- I love when they pose them like the one in her dress- they look so stiff.

britt said...

Adorable pics! I love the bows for little babies. Unfortunately I won't be using them this time around. I understand the kids and jumping clothes sizes so quick. That is how Ame and Kaipo have both been.

Jill said...

Jamie, she is sooo cute! I love baby chub! We understand the clothing jumps! She is just adorable! Jill

Debbie said...

she is adorable!