Thursday, August 21, 2014

Back to School!

Somehow we blinked in the summer went by! It seemed to be a whirlwind of cousins, playing, and fun. The girls had a good summer, but also seemed ready to go back to school. I don't know how long that will last though!

These are some shots from the day before school started and the first day of school.

Doing some chores to get ready.

Making some muffins for the morning.

Playing a game. Not that that has anything to do with school LOL

My mom and I were talking about Harmony, and if we were going to be able to sing this season. And about 20 minutes later I found the stone in one of my boxes. I told her maybe it was a sign?

I have always loved to this quote by Joseph B. Wirthlin, ever since he gave the conference talk a few years ago. This is our theme for the school year. We watched part of his talk, and talked about what this means as a family.

Lunch pails ready to go! It sounds so much easier to do hot lunch, but the girls pretty much hate the hot lunch their school has.

Crazy sisters!

All ready to go! Like 30 minutes early!

I felt like the worst mom. The girl said they did not want me to walk them to class. Technically, that is hard to do at Clay School because all the children gather on the blacktop for flag and announcements when the bell rings. So they don't go to class until about 15 minutes after the bell actually rings. Anyway, they told me they did not want me to walk them. But when I got to school, I was literally the only parent not getting out of the car and walking with their kids! It was one of those moments where I felt like maybe I missed the memo or something. I figured they will survive. But it did make me feel like a bad mom for a minute.

It's tradition to go get an ice cream on the first day of school. We had Nataly and Suzanna come with us as well.

I dropped the girls off and was able to go to Home Depot before it got too hot. Had lots of wood to get cut!

I don't feel as guilty working while they are at school. In the summer, it's a lot harder to me (mentally) to leave and go work. Since the girls were at school, I was able to spend another five hours with Mia before she starts college this week!

Paperwork!! The school had incentive for us to get all the paperwork in two days after school started. In fact, if we did not do that, our kids would not be able to go on the roller skating field trip! I have done the paperwork every year for the past eight years. This time, I let Tucker partake in the fun!

Hightop Converse are the thing the girls wanted this year. Lexi complained to me this morning that she only knows how to tie a shoe using the bunny ear method and that it is way too slow!

Finally...this made me laugh...I bought a variety box of chips from Costco. The variety box only has like four barbecue bags, which are Lexi and Peyton's favorite. Apparently, Peyton hid all of them in her room so Lexi could not pack them in her lunch! Today, she proudly pulled one out of her dresser and kind of gave Lexi a look like "too bad for you! "

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