Sunday, January 13, 2013

Peyton and School

So Peyton has always been my most clingy child. But it's strange because she's also my most outgoing. But she has never liked me leaving at preschool, church classes, and now Kindergarten. She loves her teacher and she's actually happy when she's there, but she says she's sad to leave us. Lately it's really ramped up into full blown crocodile tears the night before and whole morning as we get ready for school. It's definitely added extra stress to our mornings. And has caused her to be late several mornings.

After trying several strategies, including being a tough mom that says "you're fine, go to school!", I tried one I hadn't used before...

The other morning as she was begging to stay home from school, I finally said "ok, fine. You can stay home today but you have to do what mommy is going to do which is chores all day" (it worked out to be a day I was home). I reminded her there would be no thumb sucking, tv watching, relaxing. She was more than willing to comply.

So we got started. Lots of laundry. Cleaning door knobs. Homework. Picking up dog poop in the backyard. At one point she started slowing down and I thought maybe she'd realize she'd rather be at school. But she quickly pulled out of it and stayed on track for 5 hours. I was surprised.

As she was dry-heaving while picking up dog poop, I told her she'd have to do it again the next day if she stayed home. To my surprise she answered "ok!". My strategy didn't work the way I thought. But what it did do is give her some alone time with mom...and I think she needed that. She did go to school the rest of the week. And still cried, but not AS much.

Oh, I must add one more piece to the story. I tried to give her incentive mid-morning to choose to go to school on her own. I made a chart and told her if she went to school W/TH/F and put a sticker on each day, then I'd take her shopping for high heel shoes (which she has been requesting). She thought about it and thought about it. And finally decided it wasn't worth it! I figured she must really mean it!

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