Thursday, August 02, 2012


We are doing lots of purging and cleaning before school starts.  Lexi had a hard time parting with these silver shoes, which she wore for her baptism (and then to school a lot).  So our compromise was to take a picture before throwing away!


We also came across this beloved dress.  When she was four, she had two dresses she was so obsessed with, that they ended up quite tattered and torn.  So she tried it on again, for old times sake :-)



Mrs. Stone took a few moms from last year’s class out to lunch.  It was very nice of her and fun to catch up.



I didn’t count, but there are over 20 dance costumes from the past 8+ years of dance recitals.  I can’t bear to part with them, for some reason.  Maybe because they are a small fortune?  So I put them in a vacuum bag and condensed them a ton – now they easily slide under Lexi’s bed with ease!



Jordyn really likes baking.  But I think, more than that, she likes the idea of decorating.  So on Sunday she got to make her first “rainbow” cake.  I taught her how to color the frosting, swirl it and stack it. It turned out really cute and quite yummy with that butter-cream frosting!




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