Thursday, August 02, 2012

Pismo Beach with Grandma & Grandpa!

We always try to get to the beach when Alyson visits California.  This year, we had the rare privilege of Grandma and Grandpa joining us!  It’s not a small feat to take 7 children to the beach, and to load up and prepare to drive round trip of nearly six hours in one day.  But it’s worth it. The older girls got to ride with Grandma and Grandpa in their car, and Kylee, Pax and Pey rode with Lindy and I in my car.  I think we had the more high-maintenance car ;-)


My mom (as you can see) planned the outfits and the swimsuits so we could do more matching pics.  We were quite the scene at the beach with me directing all the photos and us trying to yell at the kids to stay focused…when all the wanted to do was go jump in the water!  Sweet kids, very patient.

It was so beautiful and sunny…but also a very cold wind the whole time.  We lasted about three hours and had to be done. 

We got to eat at Splash Cafe…and then go inside the candy shop where the kids EACH got to pick three things, courtesy of Grandma.  They thought that was a piece of heaven!

It was a 12 hour day.  Which included me almost running out of gas…and getting pulled over for speeding (didn’t get a ticket though, I begged him to not give me a ticket!).  But very fun and the pictures always make it doubly fun because you get to re-experience it!


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