Saturday, November 05, 2011

Halloween 2011

As an adult, Halloween is not my favorite holiday.  Of course as a kid I loved the candy and dressing up.  How could you not?  I distinctly remember one Halloween when I was probably 8.  We lived in Visalia and I was a “punk rocker” (which was very similar to Jordyn’s 80’s girl look).  My best friend Jennifer and I thought it would be so funny to tell our little sisters, Jana and Carly, that “a lot of times people went trick-or-treating the morning after Halloween, so you guys should try it!”  We just wanted to get a good laugh, so we pestered them to do it until they went across the street.  We were laughing hysterically the whole time…until they ran back up to us with the biggest smiles on their faces.  The neighbors had given them a FULL SIZE candy bar!  So the joke was on us! 


I think the thing that bugs me about Halloween is all the strange, creepy things that emerge.  All of the sudden, people turn their front yards in to graveyards and there are skeletons and scary dead things hanging all over – even in the stores!  This year, I saw one house with fake sawed off bloody hands & feet hanging all over their tree!  I mean, I’m all for jack-o-lanterns and candy.  But death, blood, ghouls and scaring people is just not my thing.


This year, Jordyn and Lexi wanted to be 80’s girls.  Which was great because we made their outfits and just bought some puple hair coloring.  And Peyton had picked out this candy corn princess costume at Costco, and on a whim I bought it.  But she only ended up wearing it to the church trunk-or-treat and would NOT wear it on Halloween night.  She dug out some OLD princess costume from our wrinkled dress-up basket for the actual night.  Silly girl.  We spent Halloween night with the Navisons.  Lynn and I took the girls trick-or-treating and Tucker helped Amir with a spook alley thing he set up on their porch.  It was a fun night (even for someone who doesn’t love Halloween).


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