Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gam & Pa’s

We have lived in California 8 1/2 years now.  Which is hard to believe for some reason.  That means for 8 1/2 years we have been traveling to Utah on average 2-4 times per year (depending on the year) to visit family and friends.  And for that entire time, Neal and Jeannine have been our “hotel”. 


It all began with us staying in a small extra room they have upstairs.  Which was fine because we only had one child and one on the way.  Their basement wasn’t finished and the room upstairs was all we needed.  But now…the basement is finished and so is the bathroom down there…and so it’s really like we have our own apartment!  It is so nice to spread out (our mess) and know the door can be shut and not feel like we are living on top of Gam & Pa.


They are so gracious and patient with all that comes with five houseguests for two weeks at a time!  They have never once made us feel in-the-way or annoying.  Quite the contrary, they are always excited to see us when they get home from work (or when we get home from visiting someone) and sacrifice their own free time, and sleep, just to enjoy each other’s company.


I love you guys.  WE love you…and love the memories you help us make when we come to Utah.




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