Thursday, November 30, 2006

Elmer's Glue

I knew Elmer's glue was versitile, but I'd never thought it could be used for a baby's hair bow! I have been wanting to put little bows in Peyton's hair because the headband kind don't always stay on or fit well. I remember when Kristy was a baby, my mom used KY Jelly for her hairbows, but I didn't have any so I looked online to see what else people used. Anothe suggestion was Karo Syrup, but someone said their favorite was Elmer's glue!! So I tried it, and it works great! You just get it wet when you want to take the bow out and it comes right off.

By the way, this baby is growing at rapid speeds! I can hardly keep up with her milk demands and every morning when I look at her, I hardly recognize her - she is changing so fast! She is so sweet and cuddly and fun to have around. I am pleasantly surprised what a big helper Jordyn is. I even let her feed her a bottle the other day and she did great! Lexi is cute with her too, giving her little hugs and kisses as she walks by. I love my three girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true -- the quick changing is amazing! There is nothing so cute as a little baby girl with bows in her hair (or stuck to her head :) I love those cheeks too -- so pinchable!