Friday, July 19, 2013

World's Most Random Post!

So many cell phone pictures....capturing so many moments...but those moments will be forgotten if I don't mash them all up in a big ol' blog post!  Here goes:

This is a note I found on Peyton's white board the day the Thurston's left our house after their visit.  So cute!  It says:  "I miss the Thurstons.  I love the Thurstons.  They are the best friends.  Love Peyton  This is who I know Luke, Clayton, Jacob, Lindsay and this is who I love."  How precious!!

The girls worked on a music video for weeks!  Amir was kind enough to be the videographer and edit together an awesome video of the girls doing "Kiss You" by One Direction.  We have it on YouTube and it has a few thousand hits.  Very fun!

Kylee LOVES this part of my swingset, but she can't reach it.  So this is her saying " me!"

If I were to ever get another tattoo, this is what it would be.  Tucker says no.

So fun that I was able to sub in Lyric's class several times this year.  We always try to go out to lunch (even though teachers get the shortest lunches in the world)!

Random backyard fun!

I was so thankful to volunteer in Peyton's class every Monday during Kindergarten.  This was my view of the class before they came over to my table.  So sweet!

Tucker will miss this part of his three years at MBT.  Lots of golf during their conventions!  He really enjoyed his time with Chris and Rob.  Very sad to see it come to an end.  But change is good.

Peyton had the most amazing Kindergarten teacher.  This is the night of Open House, just before schoo was over.  We sure love Mrs. Goodbar!

So...Kayla and Kira's cousin Cody lives with them.  He has lived with them for over two years.  We've gotten to know Cody so well.  He is the most hilarious and just plain old nice boy.  He endures all the wild girl screaming like a champ. In fact, he even joins in sometimes!  Here he is entertaining them singing to a One Direction song!

I just loved seeing Peyton's story writing evolve over her kinder year!

So proud of her drawing of herself and Kylee!

Little artist!

Snuggling on the couch with my "babies".

The girls got to do one of their competition numbers in the park for a community event one day.  Here is a pose from "blessings".

Bernice is obsessed with being in cars.  Even if no one is leaving, she likes to sit in the car and hope for an outing!

These dogs love to play/fight/wrestle on the girls' beds.  Which is fine, unless they are still asleep!

The girls love Kira and Kayla.  Best friends are priceless!  I couldn't resist the girls' request for "fake nails".

I saw this on Facebook and laughed.  We play speed Uno a lot...and so this hit home and we all got a kick out of it!

Little miss "I pull out my own teeth"!  She has now lost 6 teeth!

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