Friday, July 19, 2013

Hanging Out With Cousins

What a blessing to have a group of cousins like these kids have!  They all get along so well and just love each other so much.  They can't stand to be apart!

Since Alyson has been here, everyone is hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's almost non-stop.  Food, ice cream and a pool.  What else do you need!?

Sometimes I think that these are glimpses into what Heaven is like.  People who love to be together, happy and loving the energy one another provides.

My mom bought the older girls a bracelet making kit called "rainbow looms" and they have provided HOURS of fun.  If they aren't in the pool, they are making bracelets!

We've hardly left the house because it's so fun there, but we did have an outing for pizza at the Pizza Factory one day.  Bowling another day (pics to come).

They've loved the huge blow up slide my mom bought for the pool!

They've spent hours building forts with every blanket and pillow Grandma owns!

There has been some form of cousin sleepover every night for two weeks!  Such awesome memories!

1 comment:

Janessa Couch said...

They are all so adorable! I love how different they all look and yet they are all cousins.