It is so amazingly bitter-sweet to see my kids growing! I am having huge issues as Jordyn's 8th birthday is approaching in a few weeks. There are so many wierd flashes I'm having with her seeming/acting/wanting-to-be older lately (not to mention stress thinking about her baptism). She is smart, talented and fun. She is also showing signs of insecurities, confusion and conflicting emotions. I get scared that I really won't know how to help her through it!
Tonight, as she was going to bed she was telling me something about her Junie B. Jones books and said "Mom, I've read this one several times, but I've hardly read this other one". And it was then I yet-again realized: my little girl just used the word "several" in an unprompted sentence. She really is getting older and I can't stop it :-(
I know just how you feel. I am SO glad there are good girls in our neighborhood for Savannah- several of them go to different schools but they all play after school, on the weekends and go to church together.
I think we can all relate to how you are feeling, as we have girls so close in age. It is getting harder to know how to positively influence them, but not control their every thought/action!
How did this happen so fast...our oldest in their 8th year??? weren't we just living in hawaii a few years ago? I wish!!
All I can say is I can't believe Lindsay and Jordyn are this old. She looks so tall and grown up in this picture. It is so hard not to worry about the what ifs.. with kids. It is also hard to watch them go through the growing pains of life.
oh my, she is getting so big! All I can say is, go check my blog with jade's dance pic. That will throw you for a loop, it's just around the corner for Jordyn! SLOW DOWN GIRLS!
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