Life is just flying by and I feel like I cannot possibly hold on to it all. It makes me sort of sad. I want to remember every little thing, thought, feeling experience and moment....both for myself and also for my children. But, it's not possible!
At the very least, I can write some of it down on my blog - which I have NOT been good at lately. So here are a few things I want to remember.
Peyton's DreamsPeyton has the most vivid dreams. How do I know? Well, when she is screaming in the middle of the night and I run in there only to hear something like: "Lexi is putting Belle in the potty!!" or "There's a dolphin in my bed!".
SicknessWe've been pretty healthy this winter overall. Except Peyton this past week. For an entire week she's been sick. She ended up with a horrible ear infection and needed anti-biotics. She could certainly win an award for the world's most resistant child to medication. Has been her whole life. But then to have to do it 2x per day for TEN days! Ugh. She has morphed into the whiniest, grumpiest and most non-compliant child with this illness. Can't wait to get my Pey Pey back!
Speaking of feeling not too hot, my arthritis has been bugging me lately. Not in an I-can't-walk sort of way, but in an I'm-sore-all-over-and-very-lethargic kind of way. Has taken everything in me to peel myself out of bed each morning. Not much choice when 25 kindergartners are waiting! But I've found that pushing through it, getting ready and getting going brings me so much more mental strength than staying in my pajamas and dwelling on my lethargy like I may have done if I didn't have to go to work. Still hard though. I know it gets worse when I run myself ragged like I have been lately. Also, not eating that great. I've GOT to work on that one. My lunch of lean pockets doesn't provide much nutrients.
DiapersNo more! Peyton has been potty trained during the day FULLY since last summer or before. But just this past week she refuses to wear one to bed or nap and wakes up to go potty on her own. So our house is officially a no-diaper zone. Which is strange! It wasn't too long ago I had TWO kids in diapers at once!
TVKids always go through phases with shows and movies. ForEVER it was High School Musical. That is long gone (though there will be a certain love that always remains). Right now for Lexi it is "Another Cinderella Story". She is obsessed and luckily doesn't have time to watch it as often as she asks to.
All three girls have always LOVED Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. They never, ever tire of it. Neither do I. I could watch/listen to it over and over and never tire. I cannot find a live stage production anywhere but London right now, but they would be in heaven if we could find one!
As far as TV shows....there are several that they like. But honestly Jo and Lex hardly have time to watch TV with school, homework and extra-activities. So they don't watch a ton, but when they do it seems to still revolve around PBS! I think because we didn't have Disney or Nickelodeon for a long time, they got out of that habit. When they remember, they of course like Hannah Montana, iCarly, Spongebob and Phineas and Ferb. But because we DVR Caillou, Arthur, The Fresh Beat Band and Max & Ruby for Peyton, Jo and Lex love those too and often put them on.
I have no interest in making them watch "older" shows. If they want to watch Caillou till their 12, fine by me!
PlaymatesPeyton of course loves her cousins Lyric and Paxton. She also loves to play with Ava next door who is 6 months older than her. And her other little friend from church, Kayla Navison, is a great buddy who she loves to play with.
Jordyn has Madi Lorang from church in her school class. She is also good friends with Kayla Navison's sister Kira, but Kira is in 3rd grade. Jordyn has recently become really close with Emma Koons from her school class too. They are definitely two peas in a pod and LOVE to play. I really like her mom too, so I think it's a good friendship. Lexi is friends with everyone, just a happy-g0-lucky gal. But hasn't brought friends home from school much yet. She has a girl Morgan in her class who she's played with since Pre-School, wants to invite her over, but I don't know the mom yet. And Emma next door is in 1st grade too, and they play a few times a week.
I love fostering these important friendships and always have a little prayer in my heart that they'll have those vital, key relationships they'll need like I did. But I tell ya, what I love the most is to see my three girls play. The three of them play ALL the time. Of course there is arguing, but I'm always amazed at the close sisterly ties they have. I love it and am so grateful for it.