Ever since I was little, I've been taught to pay attention to that small voice inside that can speak to all of us. Sometimes I listen to it, sometimes I don't. But it's sort of like a muscle....the more I pay attention and the more I try to listen, the more I hear it. It can help me with huge, life-changing choices....but more often, it helps guide me in the small, simple, every-day type of choices. I've become particularly sensitive to wanting and needing this direction in my life since I've become a mother. I also want to be better at writing them down for my kids to learn from someday.
Last weekend, as we were packing to go to my Grandma's, I felt very tired. I was grumpy and not really in the mood to deal with everyone else's little whines and complaints when all I needed to do was pack the car in the horrible heat. As we went to leave, Peyton was crying for her blankie. Not the one she already had, but the other one (aka the "black" one). I was already in the car with the door locked and had no idea where it was in the house, so I did NOT feel in the mood to go look for it. But I felt like I should and luckily didn't try to fight the feeling. I walked in the house and somehow knew immediately to look in the office, in a corner where I never, ever look. Low & behold, the blankie was there. But more importantly was what was laying on top of the blakie. It was a little lamp that had been turned on and was laying on it's side with the bulb pushing on the shade. Since we were planning to be gone for 4 days, there is no doubt in my mind that this would have started a house fire!
I was immediately humbled and snapped a little bit out of my grumpiness to express thanks for the little voice. I shared the experience with my kids....first to teach them not to leave little lamps on....but most importantly, to teach them what they can hear if they are willing to listen.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...I want to be like you when I grow up! Nice job! Oh, and the heat makes me VERY grumpy. I had to tell the most happy Eliza to please, please not talk to me for a moment because mommy is HOT and GRUMPY!!!!
What a neat story. I need to be better at sharing those experiences with my children.
that is a great story. i think it is neat how you document these things for your kids. i need to be better at that.
and jamie thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. it really meant a lot to me:)
that was a great reminder...one I need constantly!!
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