Monday, December 04, 2006

What is Life Like With Three Kids?

I've had a few of my friends who are near having #3 child as me this question. Here is my answer for today:

With two kids I felt busy, but like I could still stay "on top" of things. I still felt like I could be organized most (not all, but most) of the time, and, for my personality, this helped me feel sane. Well, I can no longer say that I feel "on top of" anything! Having this third child to care for, wash clothes for, feed, bathe, be up all night with, etc. has pushed me beyond the point of staying organized (mentally or physically!). It's been hard for me to constantly feel behind. I'm late everywhere and feel frazzled everywhere I go! I know SOME of this can be attributed to having a 6 week old. But I'm also trying to learn to have more patience and flexibility because there is no way for every single aspect of my life to feel perfectly organized the way I would like it to be with three children. With all their love and sweetness, they also bring with them lots of opinions, tantrums, fights, messes, etc! I've really been running the quote in my mind over and over "Life's a journey, not a destination"!!!

edited to add: This is what I are some pics of things that happened just TODAY - by both of my children! ugh. And I'm hardly ever farther than 10 feet from them. They are lightning fast.


Anonymous said...

I have Ava 1 to 2 days a week and my friends little (who is 2) one day a week. I can say that having 3 is easier when they aren't babies, because I take all three or four everywhere.

Anonymous said...

oh jamie i love this post! i know the third one has made it hard for me too. i am such an organized person but i have had to give in on a few things. one thing that has saved my life is i lover her and cannot live without her!

Anonymous said...

sorry about the extra "r" on i love her.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that post. It gives me some food for thought and things to think about to prepare myself. I too am much like you in the organization/striving for perfection department, so that will be the most difficult for me as well, I am sure. When I was with you last, and as I read your posts, I have to say I admire your patience. I hope I have even close to as much patience as you! Hang in there...
Miss ya
ps I can't believe you are doing the singing group right now. BUSY!I guess it is "something for YOU" so that is good. I am sure it feels you with a greater spirit at this time of year as well.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine -- I mean, I really can't imagine! Good thing they (usually) come one at a time!

Anonymous said...

Tucker is helping me learn how to do this. He is working with a wingnut of a mother!

Eliza2006 said...

Love the pics! Don't you need a break? Come on! You can come hang out at my messy house instead!
