Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Happy 8th Birthday Paxton!

Yesterday was Paxton's eighth birthday! He requested "the same cake I had last year". I couldn't remember for the life of me what that was, so Lindy text me a picture. Last year I made him a chocolate double layer round cake, so that's what I did again this year. I had asked Paxton what he wanted for his birthday and he told me a remote control car. So that's what we got him! It seemed to be a big hit, and Peyton told me about 20 times that she wanted one for her birthday this year, but she wanted pink! My Mom got him some really nice, quality rollerskates as well, since he did such a good job the other day at Rollertown. I forgot to get a picture of those!

Jordyn took quite a long time to dry this really nice poster for Paxton, and she made sure to include drawings of all his favorite things. She is quite the artist!

My mom has a tradition of wrapping presents with tons of layers and tape so it takes a long time to open. She says you don't need a lot of presents, you just need to take a long time opening the ones you do have! It's a good theory, and seems to work!

(Way more than 8 candles...isn't a bonfire more fun to blow out?)

Happy Birthday Pax!! We love you!

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