Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grandma’s Outing

When Alyson was here, my mom wanted to take the oldest four granddaughters out for some fun.  My mom loved to ice skate when she was a girl and always tells the girls stories of that.  The next closest option that seemed do-able alone was roller skating.  Kristy also agreed to come along – which ended up being not only fun to the girls, but helpful with all the “issues” that can arise with new-skaters!

My mom impressed the girls with skating around the rink!  I have to admit, I’m not sure my mom has ever let ME see her skate around the rink!  They went to Roller Towne which is where I went all growing up, in Visalia. 

How cute are these pictures??


gramdma skating girls skating


britt said...

I can't beleive that place is still around. What memories!! You mom is amazing.

MeQueen5 said...

Do NOT count our ice skating outing out. I didn't buy myself and each one of them ice skates for no reason! Ice rink here we come before 2011 is over!