Monday, August 15, 2011

This is a Fun Stage

Pismo Beach 2011 (69)I have to say that I’m really liking my kids ages right now.  Jordyn and Lexi for sure…Peyton is still hit & miss.  They feel innocent, yet capable.  They feel content to be home or happy to be on the go.  While they do complain, they also easily understand consequences/ benefits of obeying.  They like to joke and ask questions and laugh at anything.  They notice EVERYTHING (like today, Jordyn yells “Mom what are you doing?” when I realized I was dancing to my own little groove while staring into the pantry trying to remember why I was there…it’s like I have stalkers!).  And they are actually helpful around the house (well, except Peyton who conveniently asks to take a nap when we start to put away laundry).

Of course it doesn’t feel blissful and perfect.  But when I look back and realize how many things have become easier with my kids getting older, I appreciate the hard things I’ve done in the past as a mom….while appreciating some of the things that definitely feel easier now.  My youngest is two months away from 5!  That is so strange to me.  At one point, I had all THREE kids age four and under.  That sounds so exhausting now.

As I said, Peyton is three years younger than Lexi, so she is still one foot in and one foot out of their world.  She can keep up with her older sisters, but has a lot of defiance still in her.  Testing limits, etc.  She drains me because if I do not stay 110% on top of her and follow through with whatever I’ve said, she will absolutely RUN with it.  But she is also hilarious and makes us all laugh all the time.  Quite the firecracker personality.  I feel like she lives her life on stage as a little actress, but it’s totally natural for her.  And I’m sure some day it will be cute, but I’m REALLY sick of hearing this request “Mom, I want burned light toast and chocolate milk”.  Burned light toast means sourdough toast that is extra toasted.  That request would be fine, but it’s seriously the ONLY thing she will willingly eat!  Lexi was extremely picky until age 5, so I’m crossing my fingers that Pey will grow out of this soon!

I am so thankful that Jordyn and I have recently turned a corner and the tension has eased up a lot more.  She and I have often butt heads a lot and she has often had an issue with being sassy and disrespectful.  But it seems that 9 has been a magic age for her and she has really relaxed and just been pretty easy.  Who knows what’s around the corner, but for now I am grateful we can enjoy each other.

1 comment:

Eliza2006 said...

Sounds nice! I keep saying that we're in a good place right now...and in the same breathe I like to say Sol is 2 and livin' it up!