Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kids and Projects


Isn’t she adorable?  My little 4 month old niece Kylee…her first time ever in a exersaucer!!  She was a pro!



Paxton loves to play out front with all the kids.



Kylee and Lyric….cute sisters!

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Lexi and her beloved dog Belle.  I have never met a kid so devoted to an animal.  True love, I tell ya.



“Big” cousin Peyton with Kylee.



Lindy and I are prepping like 40 boards to make signs to sell at a festival.  A LOT of work!!


Trying to keep six kids happy (along with two neighbor kids) while we sanded and painted our boards.  Luckily is wasn’t TOO hot.

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Me after attacking a bee like a crazy person.  You really should have seen it.  I’m sure I looked like a lunatic…I sure felt like one trying to save all the children from the bee!



It was nice when Tucker got home, he did some fun throwing-up-in-the-air type games with them.  Camera died or I would have snapped some fun pics of Paxton letting him throw him too (he usually HATES that).




Lexi is so cute…she is warming up to Kylee a lot.  At first she was very timid to ask to hold her, but now she is getting much more used to it!



Cousins are so fun!!!  Playing some Go-Fish here.



My good friend Kandelyn has this above her front door and I think it’s really cute.  And since I now have a vinyl cutter (need some?), I whipped this up real quick!



Jeannine and Neal said...

I would love one to go above my bedroom door. By the way, when you come at Christmas maybe we can do a little more on decorating. Love, Jeannine

K Western said...

I can't take credit for the A.S.A.P saying. It was left from the previous homeowner, but I liked it. That's neat that you now have a vinyl cutter and can make all the cute sayings.