Lexi will be turning six in about 2 weeks. Her birthday is right near Thanksgiving (if not ON the holiday) and so it's easy to do something quick & easy during the holidays. But this year I've decided it's time for an official "friend party". She finally settled on the theme "Alice in Wonderland". Where did that come from? Who knows, so we're going to have a Mad Hatter Tea Party. We're inviting school friends for the first time, but she only wants 6 of the 9 girls in her class. We're discussing this because I don't think it's worth the possibility of hurt feelings....so I want to just invite all of them. We'll see.
And I've seriously turned a corner as far as not keeping up with the house. I mean, it's a real problem. I guess I could say I'm too busy but, if I'm honest, I also am choosing to be too busy. It's bad. We're stumbling through piles all over the place! I need a maid. Wait....that takes money. Nevermind!
But that's partially because I'm up to my eyeballs in crafts! In addition to substitute teaching, I'm selling things at a local boutique (Trinkets & Treasures) here in Kingsburg. Trying to make some money and also have a hobby I enjoy. I'm making memo boards, custom lettering, tiles, glass blocks and also working in the store as one of the 13 co-ops who rent space there. It's a lot of fun, but it also means my counter is COVERED in fabric, ribbon, scissors, glue gun, rhinestones, etc. If you haven't yet, go HERE to check out the Facebook page with pics on it.
So I guess between subbing and Trinkets, I'm probably working about 40 hours per week (that's counting assembling orders at home). I've been subbing one to two days per week. Which is a tiring job! I can't believe how often little kids can ask to get a drink or go to the bathroom in a day. And when there are 24 of them! You've got to walk into a classroom armed and prepared with rules and boundaries, or they will eat you alive! I am supposed to start my long-term sub assignment in January, but I am having a feeling it could be sooner because the teacher is having some pre-term issues. I've got to get myself in the mindset of routines and predictability (which does NOT describe my life) so I can enjoy and teach the little Kindergarteners properly.
I guess I can announce it on my blog because everyone in "real life" knows here that my sis Lindy is pregnant, only 7 weeks. And she is siiiiiick as a dog. Way sicker than before, more in the category of how sick I am when prego, so my parents and us have been tag teaming lots with her kids so she can survive. I actually really love helping her and really love having her kids - fun to have cousins together. The only catch is that Pey and Pax do NOT know how to go 3 minutes w/o fighting. They are really in the thick of it at ages 2 and 3. They have a total love/hate relationship! Little stinkers. Lucky they are both so cute!!
Life is quite a ride, I tell ya. I am constantly amazed at what a balancing act it is to ride the high waves as well as the low. It's like I'm often teetering close to falling off my board, but somehow keep riding the surf and staying standing...even if just barely. I can hardly keep up, but when I keep trying, there are plenty of blessings amongst the trials, pain and confusion. My psyche must be feeling that a lot because the other night I had the most real dream (and I hardly EVER dream) that I was subbing and then left the school at lunch time and never returned. And it didn't hit me till later that night (in my dream) that I'd abandoned the kids and I woke up panicked that I was totally busted by one of the schools!
Another stressful event, and I swear it's changed my heart & breathing patterns, happened at Jordyn's school last week. When picking up Jordyn from school...in the 4.5 seconds it took me to walk to her and back, the I was borrowing the Expedition and apparently the it has a hard tim making it into Park, which I didn't know, and when I turned around it had rolled halfway down the street with three kids in it! I have never had an adrenaline rush like that and basically grew wings and flew to the moving vehicle, somehow jumped in and then accidentally slammed on the GAS. It THREW us backwards (it was stuck in reverse) into a flowerbed. So freakin scary. I cried and shook for hours. Have you ever tried to run after a moving vehicle...and get IN IT? SOOOOO hard! Can NOT believe no one was hit during such a high traffic time and all were safe! (All except my heart and nerves.)
Overall, life is good. Hard and good, just as it should be I guess. I have some photo posts I want to catch up on, but I feel like I hardly ever do journal-type, randomly filled posts. So here it is. And now I'm off to make Lexi's bday invites! Nighty night.
Life is full of fun and not so fun adventures. I seriously want to see your shop there in Kingsburg. I will be down for Thanksgiving and I will have to stop by, hopefully I can. The car story makes me cringe when I read it, so scary. It looks as though Lindy is just getting into the sick part of her pregnancy but I hope for her sake that it leaves soon!
Oh my goodness!!! That is so scary! Maybe Dane can call you tomorrow. Can't wait to see you guys.
oh my goodness, i have never tried to jump into a moving car. that would be so scary! and yes, you are one busy women!
And I thought I was doing a jiggling act. Mine is nothing like yours! I admire your ambition, drive and ability to even TRY and do all that you are, let alone get it all done. YOu are amazing!
I kinda wish I could have seen that whole incident with the car. Not to be rude, but that was probably quite the site...hhaha. Really glad nothing serious came of it.
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