Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wicked Trip – Part Two

Day two was casual.  The girls had seen this carousel at the mall and were begging to go on it.  So we ended up doing that…and then just hanging out at the mall for a few hours!  THAT never happens.  Jordyn kept saying she wanted to live in Sacramento because it was so fun!  Ha ha. 


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We took a little time to go through the State Capitol Building.  It is SO huge and old, and amazingly beautiful detail on everything.  I haven’t been there since I was in 8th grade!  It was pretty impressive to the girls, as well.

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The many faces and moods of Peyton.  That was a real, genuine grumpy face.  But we got her to switch it pretty quickly for this picture!

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Just being silly

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Got ice cream cones at Leatherby’s (there used to be one in Salt Lake City, Tucker went to as a kid).

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And one of the unexpected highlights of the trip was the LEGO store in the mall.  Jordyn’s friends have all been getting these new girl sets of LEGOS so she’s been talking about them.  We were able to go inside the LEGO store and play with various LEGOS.  Peyton and Lexi had never played with them before, and thought they wouldn’t like them.  But after an hour, and a bag full of a few LEGO sets, they had all changed their minds.  They spent hours and hours after we got home (including the next day) playing and building.  Which is awesome!  So great for their brains.  I loved playing LEGOS at the Heinzens house growing up, they had SO many with all their boys.  But as a mom of girls, it’s something easy to overlook (total gender stereotype!).

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