Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Emails – Wendy and I

I wanted to preserve this exchange between my professor and myself from this week.  She is so wonderful.  She’s been an O&M instructor since I was born (she graduated from the program in 1977).  I feel like I’m getting to learn from a legend and it is inspiring.  I thought I should tell her how much I appreciate her, and it initiated a lovely little exchange that I much appreciated :-)



Hi Wendy-
Just wanted to tell you how glad I am I get to go through this program with you as our instructor. I know this is a job for you, but it is very apparent that it is more of a passion. I marvel that you are out there with us every Saturday, alert, attentive, on task, organized and keeping us engaged the entire time. It's sort of like you are our mother hen and you get a new crop of baby chicks each year...hoping your passion sends out more O&M instructors into the world, each year, who are going to carry forth that same dedication and passion! I think it's working :-)
While I'm anxious to get through and get working...I also find myself a little sad that we "only" have 10 Saturdays left. I know this is a unique experience/opportunity...and I'm thankful to be a part of it!
I hope you know how much we all appreciate you!




Thanks, Jamie, for this lovely message - it made my day/evening that much better! Teaching at SFSU is a labor of love - much more than just a job. Financially and time-wise, I would do much better to just work in Marin full time - but I really love teaching and learning from my SFSU grad students, creating a supportive and caring community in the classes, bringing on board the next generations of O&Mers, and meeting/teaching people who become my colleagues and leaders in the profession. It's very rewarding work. I definitely get a very maternal feeling about virtually every group - and feel so proud of my baby chicks/ducklings. It is amazing how the end of the year suddenly looms in the distance and then comes to an end - but then we get to see each other in the field without my dominating the "conversation" or creating the assignments/stressors in your lives. It's all good.

I really appreciate your positive and appreciative energy in the class. You're a wonderful person and teacher!


WENDY, again, the next day:

Still reflecting on your lovely message - O&M is a wonderful profession on so many levels; I love to share my love for this profession with future O&Mers. It's also so rewarding to see the incredible growth of grad students from one week to the next, one semester to the next. And I love the combination of working with children in Marin and grad students at SFSU.

It will be with mixed feelings to close down this class in mid-May. We'll all enjoy the free Saturdays and less work - and you will all move onto your internships and finally a job with a paycheck! But the loss of the community of the class is real too - and this particular class is really lovely! I will be very sorry to sign off with you and your classmates - but will look forward to crossing paths as colleagues!



I love all the things you said!
When I contemplated doing this program...which was for about a year...I called nearly every school in the country and really chose SFSU because I liked everything about it. I felt drawn to it. Plus, Sandy had the kindness and patience to answer literally every single question I had (which was a LOT) without fail.
One of my best friends has been a TVI and O&M for about 10 years, but I never really thought it was possible for me because I had no idea where a program even was...until 2009 when I started researching. When the time came to turn in my application, I waited to turn everything in ON the day it was due because I was so nervous about the commitment (and I know myself...when I commit to something, I FINISH it!). It sounded so extreme to do from three hours away, with three active children, etc...that I didn't even really tell many people. I didn't want to hear their criticism of such a radical choice because I knew I was making the right decision, for me.
I cannot tell you how nervous I was driving to the O&M orientation that first time, with Sandy. I had never been to campus, had hardly been to San Fran, and immediately felt old and out of my element when I stepped foot on campus. But when I sat down in the orientation, I can't fully express how my heart was filled with confirmation that this was the right choice. And I have literally felt that in the 18 months since then. It is HARD, it takes a huge level of commitment (I joke that sometimes I feel like we are on the Amazing Race!), but when something is undeniably right, there will always be a way to make it work. I have fabulous family support, which helps too ;-)
So...when I tell you how much I appreciate it...I mean it very sincerely. This is not a profession that you "stumble upon" and I know everyone has their story of how they got here. I know I will forever be a different (and better) person because of it, and I am SO grateful that you are a huge part of making that possible!!
On that note...here is my Visual Functioning Assessment Report!

1 comment:

MeQueen5 said...

That is so sweet. Sometimes we think of these kind words and they don't leave our lips. I'm sure she very much appreciated being appreciated!