SCHOOL! It’s that time again – for me! San Francisco EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY for a year. What? Am I crazy?? Yes, I just might be.
But I felt strongly this was the right thing to do last year when the decision was made – and that is what keeps me going. Plus, when I am in class, I absolutely love what I am learning and I am chomping at the bit to actually work with people who need my help – eventually. I love the flexibility that will come with this career path and feel it will really be accommodating with raising children…especially if I can do it part time.
Anyway, last week was my first Saturday class. It’s from 9:00am-4:45. Sounds long, but it really does fly by. We are literally on our feet most the time. She said to bring waterproof hats, clothing and shoes…plus 2.5 gallon ziploc bags for our clipboards because we will be doing our training in rain or shine! (and it is usually clouds and rain in San Fran). There are 11 of us in the program that will be together this entire year. 8 girls and 3 guys. I seem to be one of the oldest…and I am the only one who is a parent!! I love my professor, Wendy Scheffers. She graduated from SFSU in 1977 and has taught there for 20 years. She has written a good portion of our curriculum and always says how much she loves her job – still.
I drove down the day before to get my $books$ at the bookstore on campus, then stayed at Shana’s house for the night. She is just 18 miles from campus – which is great unless you try to get on the Bay Bridge at 3:30 which means that 18 miles will take you (me) two hours!. Anyway, Shana and Derek are like seriously professional remodelers. They have done so much beautiful work in their 100 year old house in Oakland. And they are such kind hostesses. Always make me feel welcomed. There is even a little studio room in the backyard that they just finished – as a yoga room but also as “my” room when I come! It makes it so much more possible for me to do this program with them living so close.
After driving our Honda Pilot to SF for an entire year and wasting a ton of money on poor gas mileage, we FINALLY broke down and got a commuter car. We will actually spend less per month having a car payment with the amount we will save on gas! IT took us a REALLY long time to finally pick an economical car that was safe that we both agreed on. This is a little 2010 Ford Focus with 29K miles on it that one of my friends was selling. We’ve had it not even a week, but we both are very happy with it so far! It was nice to drive to SF for a total of $50 instead of $100!
No joke, it was 50 degrees colder in SF than Kingsburg. It was 105 here and 55 there. I was FREEZING in class. I’ve got to force myself to touch my warmer clothing as I pack, even if they disgust me while in the disgusting heat!
I am thankful for the support I am getting to do this. It will be a sacrifice for Tucker on Saturdays and he & the girls will really need to step into their own rhythm of chores/activities/etc. And when I need to leave for Friday class (which is four times this semester, but EVERY time next semester) my mom and dad are having their day with my girls again. What a blessing! It works well because I am home M-F and can be there for every school event, being taxi mom, playdates, etc. Tucker is gone frequently for work, so it will be nice for him to have a dedicated day with the girls. It works for us for now and we will embrace it until life gives us the next change of pace!
Peyton by our new car
Me in my “room” at Shana’s
Me: On the way to SF….rushing to not be late to class in the parking garage………and thumbs up after class. Tired but content.