Sunday, June 12, 2011

End of School Year

I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that this school year is over.  I literally flew by!  The girls both had such incredible teachers and we couldn’t have asked for a better school year. 

The end of the year at Lincoln brings with it many festivities.  One of them is their end-of-year track meet.  Jordyn and Lexi both picked jumprope and Lexi got 2nd place overall for her grade and Jordyn got 3rd place overall for her grade.  This means they jumped around 100 jumps in 60 seconds!

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Lexi also picked Chinese jumprope.

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And Jordyn picked running long jump.



Then a few days later, the third graders had an ice cream event where everyone brought ice cream and toppings galore and they got to eat till their hearts’ were content…or till their stomachs said STOP!  I got to sub that day, it was yummy!



And then the girls brought LOADS of stuff home..and had fun laying it all out and showing each other.



We are excited summer is here!!

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