I know that signmaking has a lot to do with it. Lindy and I set a deadline on our custom orders this year for December 5. We each had nearly 80 orders just within a couple weeks. That's intense!
I feel like I need a tuneup on how to switch files in my brain more efficiently. Whether it's the mom file, the housecleaner file, the orientation and mobility job file, the sign maker file, etc. I don't feel like I am as efficient as I would like to be!
Sometimes I sneak pictures of my clients when I am on a lesson. This is one of my favorite high school kids.

Lindy and I always talk about how we get a little embarrassed when we go to Home Depot and have like 30 cuts of wood we need. Even though we both have our own saws at home, sometimes it's nice to have them chop up a huge piece of wood and to all the sizes that we need.

This year, we made ornaments for the girls teachers. Pretty cheap and easy gift, but I thought they turned out pretty cute.

My goal was to have a street a Christmas story to the girls every night. But that hasn't happened! We've done a few so far!

I don't know what it is about me that wants to do everything, but I've had the secret desire to buy metal stamping kit for a while. We finally bought some and want to make the girls teachers keychains for the end-of-the-year gifts.

Another season of Harmony. It feels so crazy to fit yet another thing in, but I enjoy being able to do something like this with my mom.

We have had the same UPS driver for like 10 years. He is so nice! We even made him a gift!

In all honesty, one of the hardest parts about the sign making for me is the humongous mess that it causes. It totally makes me unable to keep up with my health, and it also completely adds to the clutter. I know it's temporary, but it steals energy away from my brain because it makes me feel more weighed down.

Just for kicks, sometimes I like to keep a record of the crazy dance schedule we get each month.

When I can get myself to let go and trust other people to help me, these girls can be pretty helpful!

Elf on the shelf! I think this might be our fifth Christmas having him? It's definitely fun for the girls.

We decided to do the 12 days of Christmas for our neighbors this year. Luckily, Jordyn is old enough to really like to take on projects like this. So we printed off a list of fairly inexpensive ideas and each night she run something over to them and then knocks on the door and runs away.

The girls had a foggy day delay for school on the day we had a harmony performance, so I took them with me. Peyton was so thrilled that she got to stand by the Sopranos and sing with us at one of our places! She seriously knows every song!