Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas Surprise

A few days before Christmas, I stopped by my mom’s and she handed me a package.  She said to open it and see if I knew what it was.  When I opened it, a strange familiarity surrounded me when I saw what was in it.  I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, but I knew I’d seen these wall figurines before:




And THIS is why it felt so familiar (check out the wall hangings in this pic):


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Though I couldn’t put my finger on WHY they were so familiar, I knew at one point they were part of my life, my childhood.  So I was excited when I found this picture to prove it!  My mom discovered the fun of eBay purchases this past Christmas, and she somehow found the identical wall hangings that she had bought for me when I was a baby!  So cool!  I have them hanging above the door in my kids’ playroom now.

Thank you mom!  What a fun blast from the past!


Chris Grover said...

oh that is so great! don't you love ebay?! i have just been catching up on all your updates, and i'm obviously so far behind! how is pey doing? having sick kids is the worst, especially when you can't quite put your finger on what is going on. i hope she is feeling back to normal again soon. and congrats on that very cool article in the paper too -- that is awesome!

britt said...

that is so interesting and fun! I bet you were at first a bit confused, but what a fond memory!!

Janessa Couch said...

What a great gift! Your picture is so adorable. I love presents like that.